Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year's Resolutions

Hey my dear friends

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hope you all had a great time celebrating NYE and I wish you all a great year full of love, laughter, happiness, friendship, health and amazing memories.

Last year has been great for me as a blogger. I started with the blog at the end of August and I was so amazed of the support I got. I am so grateful for every single one of you and I made amazing friends on Twitter, thank you. 

So here are my New Year's Resolutions. I divided them into "Reading" and "Life". Reading concerning my blog and my reading goals and Life for the rest.

Reading, books and the blog:

Read the whole book of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. I know the story by heart. I had to read it form y final exams in high school (I only read a shorter version though) and we performed it with our theatre group in 2011. Love the musical and the story is great. Time to read the whole book.

The same with les Miserable by Victor Hugo. I had to read it in French in high school and we also looked at the lyrics oft he songs, everything in French though. I knew the story already, because I just had seen the Musical on the West End. Last year the movie came out and I absolutely loved it. Well, never read the whole book, but this time I’ll read it in English, the French is too complicated.

-I made a real planner for the blog now and I really want to stick to it. I’d also like to read as many books as possible and write a lot of reviews. I’ll be posting two a week now. Of course there will also be other posts on various themes and some other surprises.

- Goodreads Reading Challenge: Read 100 books this year. I wasn't sure whether I should start this challenge with all that's coming up this year: finishing my Bachelor degree, starting to teach my own class etc. However, I am glad I did now and am determined to achieve it. I found found this in @ChickLitLife tweets and I love the idea, so here I go.


Start teaching in my own creative, structured and clear way and successfully finish my studies. I’m finishing my studies in June and then I finally have my Bachelor in Primary Education and can start teaching my own class, so excited. I’m actually starting to apply at different schools now, wish me luck.

Have real relationships with my friends and family. Trust, honesty and loyalty are the most important things when it comes to friendship and I had to learn that the hard way last year. I got disappointed in several people, but enough off that. I’m looking into the future and trying to maintain all the friendships. It’s not only about receiving, you have to give something as well you don’t forget to be yourself. It doesn’t matter what other people say.
I started my blog 4 months ago and I am so happy how I got welcomed and how many great friends I made here. Thank you all, you’re amazing.

Good habits: Drink water. I really should drink more water and this time I’ll stick to it.

Keep on singing. I love singing and I’m looking forward to do more o fit. So excited to go to Riga fort he world choir games and I really want to write more songs. I’ll even post some one day.

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